The Last Atlantian by Mikki Noble Genre: Urban Fantasy Age category: Young Adult Release Date: December 13, 2019 Spencer did not plan to work on her birthday. She didn’t plan a lot of things, but they happened anyway. Like, when she touched a guy and he turned into a gold statue, or when some stranger … Continue reading
Tag Archives: urban fantasy
Retro Review: Skinwalker by Faith Hunter
Last month, we featured a review and character interview from Faith Hunter’s newest book Shattered Bonds. It seemed to me if I was going to post a review for the most recent book in a series that I really ought to review the first one as well. This is another novel that just recently had … Continue reading
Review: Mighty Jack and the Goblin King
Mighty Jack and the Goblin King by Ben Hatke Genre: Graphic Novel Age category: Middle Grade Release Date: September 5, 2017 Review It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a book aimed at the younger crowd, something I like to do on occasion. Mighty Jack and the Goblin King is actually the second of a … Continue reading
Retro Review: Witch and Wizard by James Patterson
Witch and Wizard by James Patterson was originally released in 2009, just qualifying for our retro review requirement of being ten years old or more. It grew into a five-book series and has a manga version as well. I read this book originally pretty close to publication and while I jotted down some thoughts at … Continue reading
Shattered Bonds by Faith Hunter: Interview & Review
Editor’s note: As noted on our Facebook page, we are now doing reviews alongside each author (or, in this case, character) interview. Hopefully this puts the interview in more context and will let you the readers find something new to love. This review will contain minor spoilers from Dark Queen, the twelfth book of Faith … Continue reading